Our services.


General and Cosmetic Dentistry.

Whether it is a routine check-up, clean, filling or a cosmetic procedure, BT DENTAL offers an efficient yet high quality treatment.


A custom designed, perfectly matched, practical and comfortable denture is what we aim to achieve. BT DENTAL’s attention to detail is key to not only ensure functionality of your dentures but achieve a beautiful and natural aesthetic.

Crowns and Bridges.

Using the highest of quality materials, BT DENTAL is able to restore your smile in the most natural looking way. Whether you need a crown to cover up teeth or a bridge to fill in a gap, BT DENTAL can help you get that winning smile.

Root Canal Treatments.

Ever had a severe tooth ache and have been advised to simply remove the tooth? Well, there is an alternative which can help you save your natural tooth. A root canal treatment is a therapy which helps to clear a badly infected tooth and help save it. So next time you have a tooth ache, call BT DENTAL for a professional and holistic approach to mouth care.

Teeth Whitening.

Having a whiter and brighter smile has become a trend and more people are looking to have that WOW factor but over the counter or online teeth whitening kits can damage the health of your teeth. That’s why at BT DENTAL we provide personalised teeth whitening treatments whether in-chair or at home to ensure safe and fantastic results!

Children Preventative Dentistry and Fillings.

Mouth care and oral health habits are formed at a young age. BT DENTAL has extensive experience in working with children, keeping them engaged and happy throughout the process. BT DENTAL offers all types of dental treatment which may be covered by the Child Dental Benefits Scheme so contact us today!